Technology doesn’t save lives. People save lives. We aim to help people build and maintain the skills and readiness to apply those skills in critical situations.
Around 1.8M newborns die annually from breathing problems. Most of them could be saved if birth attendants had the right skills and equipment to give newborns timely and effective ventilation. We are almost there- training has been developed and equipment is increasingly distributed. However, there is a systemic lack of objective feedback to support the skills and confidence to deliver effective newborn resuscitation.
The Augmented Infant Resuscitator is a device that improves newborn resuscitation. We can improve initial training, ongoing skill maintenance, trainee confidence, and help NGOs to audit training programs.
The device itself is an add-on, compatible with nearly every existing bag valve mask (BVM) and many types of ventilation equipment. It monitors ventilation quality and provides real-time, objective feedback and actionable cues to users. Giving timely, objective feedback to trainees allows them to maintain skills, and build their confidence and readiness to act.

Our 4th generation device, to help teach manual positive pressure ventilation.
This project is run separately from Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH). MGH is not connected with nor responsible for this organization’s activities.